
troy ounce中文是什么意思

  • 金衡英两
  • 金衡制盎司
  • 英国金衡两



  • 例句与用法
  • Tael bars are of 99 per cent fineness and weighted in taels ( one tael equals approximately 1 . 20337 troy ounces )
    九九金的黄金纯度为千分之九九零(即99 % ) ,重量以? (一?约等于1
  • Bullion prices this week hit an all - time high of $ 914 a troy ounce as investors sought refugee from a weakening us dollar
  • Gold hit a record $ 953 . 60 a troy ounce yesterday as oil ' s move above $ 100 and inflation fears provided fresh upward momentum
    金价昨日一度触及每盎司953 . 60美元的创纪录高点,因油价突破每桶100美元大关,同时通胀担忧提供了新的上行动力。
  • Gold traded through the society is of 99 per cent fineness , weighted in taels ( one tael equals approximately 1 . 2 troy ounces ) and quoted in hong kong dollars
    在金银业贸易场交易的黄金纯度为99 % ,称为九九金。九九金的重量以?计算( 1 ?约等于1
  • However , gold was outshone in 2003 by other precious metals . silver gained 25 per cent , hitting $ 6 a troy ounce for the first time since may 1998
    然而,其它贵重金属在2003年的表现比黄金还要出色。银价上升了25 % ,自1998年5月后首次达到每盎司6美元的价位。
  • Prices closely follow those in the other major gold markets in london , zurich and new york . loco - london gold quotation is made in us dollars per troy ounce of gold
  • The metal benefited from the slide in the us dollar against major currencies , with bullion prices $ 417 . 40 a troy ounce - within 31 cents of its highest level since february 1990
    受益于美元兑其它主要货币走低,金块价格达到每盎司417 . 40美元的高位,较其1990年2月后所创最高水平低31美分。
  • Gold prices burst through $ 500 a troy ounce for the first time in 18 years yesterday on a wave of buying from japanese private investors , but fell back quickly after trading in the far east finished
  • It is commonly known as the loco - london gold market , with process quoted in us dollars per troy ounce of gold of 99 . 95 per cent fineness and with delivery in london . trading in this market has expanded in recent years
    该市场一般称为本地伦敦金市场,交易以美元按每金衡安士报价,黄金纯度为99 . 95 % ,在伦敦交收。近年来交投有所增加。
  • One is commonly known as the loco - london gold market , with process quoted in us dollars per troy ounce of gold of 99 . 99 per cent fineness and with delivery in london . trading in this market has expanded in recent years
    其中一个市场一般称为本地伦敦金市场,交易以美元按每金衡安士报价,黄金纯度为99 . 99 % ,在伦敦交收。本地伦敦金市场近年来交投有所增加。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 英文解释
  • 其他语种释义
  • troy ounceとは意味:《重量?金衡/トロイ単位》<→TROY ounce>、トロイオンス◆宝石、薬方で使用。1 oz t=1/12トロイポンド=20ペニーウェイト=8 troy dram=480(常衡)グレイン=31.1035グラム。《重量?薬方単位》=troy ounce、トロイオンス◆薬方で使用。=1/12薬方ポンド=31.1035グラム◆【略】toz; TOZ; oz t; oz. t.; oz-t
  • 推荐英语阅读
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